A healthy workforce and a healthy community are important to electricity generation in the country. As such, The Electricity Generation Company (Malawi) Limited (EGENCO) is implementing a number of programs and activities in order to both prevent and control COVID-19 among its staff and the communities in which it works.
Donations to District Health Offices
Recently, EGENCO donated COVID-19 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) worth K8.5 million to Chikwawa and Neno District Health Offices, Mzuzu Central Hospital and Wa Sambo community policing in Karonga as a way of assisting in the fight against the pandemic.
The donated materials include disposable aprons, safety shoes and goggles, face shields, pulse oximeter, ventilators and hand-washing buckets among others.
EGENCO Chief Executive Officer William Liabunya said the company made the donation to support the work that the health sector is playing to combat COVID-19.
“We appreciate the role our health sector plays in the fight against the pandemic. It is good that we as a company supplement government’s efforts to contain the Corona Virus”. Said Liabunya.

Building COVID-19 Separation and quarantine centers
EGENCO is also building its own quarantine centers at its various power stations – at Wovwe in Karonga, Nkula and Tedzani in Neno and Kapichira in Chikwawa. The company is also looking considering building a separation and quarantine center in Blantyre for its staff at its head office in Blantyre.
Other efforts
EGENCO has also provided facemasks, sanitizer and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to its members of staff in order to prevent COVID-19.
It has further implemented strict COVID-19 preventative measures at its work places and stations including checking of body temperatures, mandatory wearing of facemasks and the washing of hands with soap or treating them with sanitizer.
The company has further provided more spacious offices and working areas to ensure that work areas are not congested.
“We are doing everything possible to ensure that we are not severely affected by the pandemic because of the importance of our duty to the nation. Imagine shutting down a whole power station due to COVID-19? That will be catastrophic to the nation. That is something we are working so hard to avoid at all costs.”
William Liabunya, EGENCO Chief Executive Officer.